
My name is Ville. I am a versatile music producer based in Finland with many years of experience in music production and audio engineering. Welcome to my site.

All music that I post here is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution license. What this means, is that you can freely use the music in any of your projects, even commercial ones. The only requirement for the license is that you credit “hidingsounds” appropriately when using the music. You can read more about the license here.

Some older tracks may have copyrighted samples which have not been cleared. These tracks are marked with “uncleared” tag.

You, finding inspiration and enjoyment in the instrumentals, is enough pay. If you want, you can support the site by donating below.

creative common attribution

you are free to:

share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format

adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

under the following terms:

attribution — You must give appropriate credit to "hidingsounds" in your finished product.

no additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.


mixing & mastering

I offer rather inexpensive mixing & mastering service at Fiverr. If you need help with mixing, contact me via my Fiverr page.

custom projects & exclusives

I'm always interested to work on custom projects. If you have something in mind, contact me via email.


Contact me by sending message to hidingsounds(at)gmail.com